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Displaying items by tag: ocean city

Saturday, 13 November 2021 06:53

Merchantville Wins 3rd

The 52nd Annual Ocean City Fishing Club Surf Fishing Tournament took place October 23rd, when 110 anglers from 19 fishing clubs, plus nine individual anglers, participated in the outing. During the tournament, 153 fish were caught - 133 sharks, 12 kingfish, seven kingfish and one, 10-inch spot. The prize for the largest fish went to a 17.5-inch needlefish caught by John Gustafson, from the Delaware Valley Surf Anglers team. The first-place team award went to American Angler Team “A,” with 72.75 points. RH Custom Rods Team Green was second, with 50 points, and third place went to the Merchantville Fishing Club Team “A,” with 44.25 points. Points were earned by the particular species and the number of fish caught. If interested, Merchantville's Fishing Club meets on the 2nd Monday of each month at the Merchantville Community Center at 8:00 p.m.

Published in Clubs
Monday, 05 August 2019 06:56

Double the fun!

Ocean City held its annual Twins Contest on July 31st in front of the Music Pier on the Boardwalk. It's one of Ocean City's most popular and fun events and, yes you are seeing double! The event awarded prizes to identical and fraternal twins gathered to those who look the most and least alike in different age groups from 5 and under to adult.. The adults most alike were Nancy Logan and Jean Conover of Chambersburg Pa. The adults least alike were Mildred Henderson of Lancaster, Pa., and Lucille Roberts of Merchantville, N.J. Congratulations, Lucille!

Published in Milestones

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