Leaf blowers aren’t just noisy — they’re also huge climate polluters. Gas-powered lawn equipment like leaf blowers and lawn mowers pollute a lot more than you might think. They pump out millions of tons of carbon dioxide each year, the primary driver of climate change. Gas-powered leaf blowers, snow blowers, lawnmowers, weed trimmers and chainsaws are some of the dirtiest tools in the shed. And with millions of them owned and operated across the country, their climate-warming pollution really adds up. It’s time to switch to cleaner, quieter, electric lawn equipment. A greener, healthier world requires each of us to do all we can to eliminate the pollution and practices
Recycle At MOM'S
The Cherry Hill store was the first MOM’s to open in New Jersey and alongside organic produce, sustainable clothing, wellness items, and our organic Naked Lunch cafe, this store features a community recycling center. Drop off your corks, eyeglasses, cell phones, household batteries (alkaline ONLY), tablets and shoes daily and join in their efforts to ! Their Holiday Lights Recycling Drive starts now and runs through 1/31. Our partner, A Better Way
TREX Challenge Ends 10/30
Community Recycling Day
Opinion: Opposing LNG Terminal
There is a plan to transport massive quantities of liquified natural gas (LNG) through our communities in South Jersey via rail and/or truck. But grassroots activism could derail this multimillion-dollar fossil-fuel scheme, which involves creating a marine export facility in Greenwich Township (Gibbstown), Gloucester County. Many of us who live in the communities that will be impacted are rallying to oppose this plan. Merchantville, where Dorothy Foley - a longtime resident of Merchantville, leader of the Merchantville Green Team and a member of the Tri-county Sustainability Alliance and Camden for Clean Air - resides in this tiny community of less than a square mile tucked between Pennsauken and Cherry Hill within a one-mile radius of a likely rail and truck route for the LNG shipments. In her opinion, the planet does not need this, nor any other LNG export terminals. South Jersey communities should not bear the immediate threat to public and community safety. Read more.
Trees Are Stationary Superheroes
At a time when climate change is making heat waves more frequent and more severe, trees are stationary superheroes: They can lower urban temperatures 10 lifesaving degrees, scientists say. “There’s no way these
GT Adds Habitat
Las week Merchantville's Green Team volunteers added a new pollinator habitat to our ever growing sustainability and land stewardship efforts. The Smith family prepared the new habitat, located along the Rails-to-Trails path at