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Displaying items by tag: video

Monday, 30 March 2020 07:39

Message from Mayor Brennan

Mayor Ted Brennan delivered a message to the Merchantville community on Sunday, March 29th, thanking them for continuing to adhere to Governor Murphy's executive "stay at home" order, social distancing and traveling from home only for essential needs. He also provided an update on the current number of positive cases in the Borough, the need for blood donations and some volunteer opportunities to assist seniors through the County. In closing he stressed the importance of residents supporting our small businesses and their owners who have been so dramatically impacted by this pandemic. Mayor Brennan also reminded everyone to complete their Census 2020 this week.

Published in COVID-19
Monday, 19 August 2019 08:35

Found Food

This Exit 19 Productions video shows Mike Casey foraging for food with his friend Chef Phil Manganaro. They find some berries, get mosquito bites and Chef Phil makes some homemade root beer. Exit 19 Productions is a group of comedians, writers, funny people and degenerates trying to make people laugh or give them a little bit of knowledge - hopefully a bit of both.

Published in Eco
Sunday, 28 July 2019 09:46

MES Improvement Project

See what happens when a community comes to the help of a school in need. This project was produced to present an overview of school building improvements and to thank the community who made it possible. Albert Vitiello a content producer/editor with over 20 years success working in all aspects of television production was responsible for camera, editing, mixing compositing and graphics. 

Published in Schools

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