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Displaying items by tag: food

Friday, 01 May 2020 06:46

Enhanced SNAP Benefits

Many Camden County residents who receive food assistance through the state’s Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (NJ SNAP) will receive additional benefits in May to help address critical food needs related to the COVID-19 pandemic. An additional $36 million will be provided to about 214,000 New Jersey households in May. SNAP supplemental payments were included in the federal Families First Coronavirus Response Act. In March and April, Human Services announced $70 million in total additional NJ SNAP benefits that were provided to New Jerseyans to help purchase groceries. If you need food assistance, visit njhelp.org to apply for SNAP online.

Published in COVID-19
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Thursday, 16 April 2020 18:55

Hope Through Food

During these times of uncertainty we, at Volunteers of America Delaware Valley, see glimmers of hope in the most unexpected places. This week, one of our family shelters, Anna Sample, was happy to accept a delicious catered meal courtesy of the Blue Monkey Tavern in Merchantville. The meal was generously donated by the Blue Monkey's owner Halil Gungor who personally delivered the food to Monique Reddick, Program Director and the 30 families staying with us. People like Halil give hope and show us that together, we will get through this crisis. #merchantvilleproud

Published in Business
Monday, 23 March 2020 11:24

NJ Helps

This site will help to see if you are eligible for food assistance (SNAP), cash assistance (WFNJ/TANF or WFNJ/GA), and health Insurance (NJ FamilyCare/Medicaid). From there you can apply for services or learn about additional resources. NJ Helps provides some extra help to pay for food at supermarkets, farmers markets and other approved stores; monthly cash, short-term housing support, child care, job search and readiness; and free or low-cost health care that may help pay for medical bills, doctor visits and prescriptions for certain low income individuals or families. You can submit an application online.

Published in COVID-19
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Monday, 19 August 2019 08:35

Found Food

This Exit 19 Productions video shows Mike Casey foraging for food with his friend Chef Phil Manganaro. They find some berries, get mosquito bites and Chef Phil makes some homemade root beer. Exit 19 Productions is a group of comedians, writers, funny people and degenerates trying to make people laugh or give them a little bit of knowledge - hopefully a bit of both.

Published in Eco
Tuesday, 23 July 2019 06:10

Community Garden Plots

Merchantville has a Community Garden at the Community Center and from time to time, there are garden plots available.  Merchantville's Community Garden is a single piece of land located behind the baseball field at the Community Center. It is gardened and maintained collectively by a group of residents and students. Our community gardens utilizes either individual plots on this public land to produce fruit, vegetables, and plants for food and food sharing. Please contact Kris Donohue at kdonohue202@gmail if you are interested in having a sunny plot in this garden next year.

Published in Stewardship
Tuesday, 09 July 2019 08:30

Food Shares at Eclipse

Come and get em! Zucchini, hot peppers, cucumbers, beans, squash, kale, turnips and tomatoes are available for free at Eclipse Brewing. At Incredible Edible Merchantville we love connecting people through food and food sharing. Although we're just getting our feet wet, there are many businesses in our community who are already doing extraordinary things. For some it’s about creating a garden, for others supporting food waste and food injustice. For some it’s about teaching people to grow and cook and for others it’s about ensuring people have that space to grow. For us all it’s about making sure our whole community can get involved. Eclipse Brewing and Park Place Cafe & Restaurant are business leaders in planting crops for food sharing and connecting to nature through locally foraged foods.

Published in Stewardship

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