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Displaying items by tag: meals

Wednesday, 27 May 2020 06:40

MES Meals Continue

Merchantville School is committed to providing food to the students of Merchantville and this process will continue to be available on Mondays while the building closure is in effect. Grab and go breakfast and lunches for the week were distributed on Tuesday, May 26th from 11:00 am to 1:00 pm., because school was closed on Memorial Day.  To pick-up meals students should use the door by the playground to enter the building. This service is open to all resident students in Merchantville and Haddon Heights High School. For the remainder of this year, there will be no cost to families for meal pick up.  The District has been notified that a waiver was approved for the state.  At this time, all students in the district who have experienced financial hardship due to COVID-19 may receive meals.  It is important to stress that free lunches now include all students who are experiencing financial hardship and not only those students eligible for free or reduced lunch. If you have difficulty getting to Merchantville School to pick up the lunches, please contact Mr. Strong at 856-663-1091 Ext 512 or through email at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..



Published in COVID-19
Tagged under
Tuesday, 17 March 2020 19:26

Meals for Seniors

There's an Emergency Meal Plan Program in place for Camden County residents over 60 years old temporarily during this pandemic.  Individuals who are already receiving home-delivered meal services will AUTOMATICALLY get a week's worth of meals delivered once a week, a mix of frozen and fresh meals, dropped off on their porch or, if they live in an apartment complex, it will be delivered to the lobby. The driver will then call the person and let them know the meal is there. They will be doing this every week for the next 3 weeks. For those who are not already receiving home-delivered meal services, they can call 856-374-6325 and arrange to have emergency meals delivered. They do not have to be in the home delivered meals program to receive this temporary service during the pandemic. Please call above number to apply directly and arrange to have emergency meals delivered.

Published in Wellness

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