Join the move to “Go Green” or eco-friendly throughout March in honor of St. Patrick’s Day. Here are som Sham-ROCKING ideas to start you off! Shut off and unplug electronics when you are not using them. Switch to Eco-friendly cleaning products in your home. Save paper and money by switching out your paper towels and magic erasers for re-usable, and/or biodegradable cleaning cloths. Purchase a set of re-usable shopping bags, and keep a few in your car
New Study: Irish Famine
Irish Central recently published an article about researchers at North Carolina State University led by Professor Jean Ristaino who have have concluded that potato blight was first reported in five different US states in 1843, two years before the beginning of the Great Hunger in Ireland in 1845. Potato blight was first reported in five different US states - New York, Pennsylvania, New Jersey, Delaware, and Connecticut and the study deduced that infected potato tubers
Mews Goes Eco-Friendly
The efforts of the Merchantville Green Team and Incredible Edible Merchantville have been in the minds and hearts of Maple Mews. And, their year-long campaign - spearheaded by resident Janice Wilson Stridick - has implemented many of the principles and small actions that make municipal programs like these work. Since last spring, they planted edible and pollinator gardens, reduced their lawn mowing height and frequency, removed invasive species, completed
Wild Ones Webinar
Together We Grow
"Together We Grow" is a 40-minute documentary that tells the inspiring story of a thriving hub helping to build resilience into its local community by growing, sewing, repairing, sharing – you name it, Common Unity is doing it! With a theme of "Growing out of Our Troubled Civilization" Transition Town Reading shares three films, offering a realistic but practical perspective on where we now are, and where we might go as part of Reading's International Festival.
Cultivating Change
Sustainable SJ Meetup
Join the Sustainable South Jersey Meetup at Double Nickel Brewing Co. in Pennsauken on Tuesday, October 3rd, at 6:30 p.m. Enjoy lighting talks, mingling, and free food. The event is *free* to attend! Lightning Talks start at 7:00 p.m. South Jersey Landscape Makeover Program by Dr. Chris Obropta: Support pollinators, attract birds, reduce water runoff in your yard. Lead Free NJ by Debbie Mans: Unite NJ communities to ensure children and the