Join the move to “Go Green” or eco-friendly throughout March in honor of St. Patrick’s Day. Here are som Sham-ROCKING ideas to start you off! Shut off and unplug electronics when you are not using them. Switch to Eco-friendly cleaning products in your home. Save paper and money by switching out your paper towels and magic erasers for re-usable, and/or biodegradable cleaning cloths. Purchase a set of re-usable shopping bags, and keep a few in your car
at all times. Take your own mug to the coffee shop. Ditch those plastic water bottles and opt for glass, stainless steel, or aluminum. Support Green Businesses. Get the junk out of your trunk. Turn down your thermostat. Wash your laundry in cold water. Always turn off the lights when you leave a room. Shop at - your local thrift stores - like Peak Secondhand and Queen Esther's Treasures. Reduce your beef consumption. Remove your shoes when you enter your house. Use eco-friendly, non-toxic beauty and personal hygiene products. Walk or bike instead of driving downtown and, most importantly, Join Merchantville's Green Team!