Displaying items by tag: to be of service

Sunday, 05 January 2020 08:07

PTSD Documentary

Come join us for a very educational and eye opening night hosted by Alpha Bravo Canine at Grace Episcopal Church in Merchantville on Friday, February 7th at 7:00 p.m. We will be showing the full length documentary film, To Be Of Service. This feature documentary explores complex stories of veterans with Post Traumatic Stress Disorder and the impeccably trained service dogs they're paired with. These dogs bring independence and a feeling of safety along with a new measure of happiness and hope to these brave warriors we sent into the maw of war.  It is producer/director Josh Aronson's hope that viewers will glean from this film a deeper understanding of the life-long impact that war can have on the lives of veterans. And, in this complex and fraught world in which our leaders contemplate the possibility of war, that they will always view it as a last resort.  

Published in Wellness

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