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Displaying items by tag: mask up

Friday, 17 July 2020 07:58

Experts Agree on Masks

New Jersey is one of only three states that are on track to contain Covid-19. Gov. Phil Murphy has been adamant about the importance of wearing masks during the pandemic, mandating on Wednesday, July 15th, that they be worn outdoors nearly at all times. New Jersey flattened the curve with masks. Other states didn’t. The premise behind wearing masks is that they contain small respiratory droplets, making it less likely you could spread the virus to others. The governor's executive order on masks excludes children younger than 2 years old, those partaking in some sports activities, people who are eating and drinking, as well as those with underlying health conditions. Wear a mask. Social distance. Get tested.

Published in Wellness
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Friday, 10 July 2020 07:11

Expanded Mask Wearing Ordered

On July 8th, Gov. Phil Murphy signed a new executive order mandating people wear a face covering outdoors in public when social distancing is difficult. New Jersey has required people since early April to wear a mask at indoor public places, such as stores, eateries, and government buildings. This order broadens current orders to include outdoor places. The order mandates that you wear a mask if you’re in an outdoor setting with large gatherings and can't keep your distance from people other than your family or household members and caregivers. Children under age 2 and those whose health or safety would be hurt by wearing them are not required to wear masks. Violators can receive summonses for disorderly persons offenses carrying jail terms of up to 6 months and/or fines of $1,000.

Published in COVID-19
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Saturday, 23 May 2020 07:04

Mask Up

Merchantville encourages everyone in our community to protect themselves and others from COVID-19 by masking up. NJ DEP (Department of Environmental Protection) has launched a public awareness campaign that strongly encourages the public to "mask up" and keep their mouths and noses covered when visiting the state's parks, beaches, forests and other open spaces, especially where it is difficult to maintain a 6-foot distance from others. This Dropbox link contains print and social media downloads for anyone to use and post including "Beach" Mask Up!, "Open Space" Mask Up, "Risk" Mask Up! and "Trail" Mask Up! posters  and signs from the digital download center for New Jersey’s “Mask Up!” campaign. 

Published in COVID-19

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