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Displaying items by tag: cooking

Sunday, 01 August 2021 08:47

Kids Workshops Added

Eilandarts Center has added more creative one-time workshops in August on Thursday and Friday, 8/18-20 and 8/25-27. They are opening their art studio and supplies to young artists. Whether kids feel inspired to paint, draw, or create a 3D piece, they can make whatever they want. While the time is theirs to freely create, a teacher will be present to help with any projects. Let your kids paint! We will create wonderful spring themed paintings on a canvas. ​Its lots of fun, bring a friend. Mosaic Arts is about creating beautiful works of art with an assortment of items. Your child can also spend the day learning how to cook everyone's favorite meal - pizza! We will make our pizzas from scratch and discover new vegetarian toppings. They are also offering a one day sewing workshop we will go over a couple of important sewing skills and make a pouch or pillow. Register TODAY for one, two or all of it.

Published in Boro
Sunday, 05 January 2020 08:29

Strudel From Scratch

On Sunday, January 12th from 2;00-4:30 p.m. you can learn to make strudel from scratch with In My Grandmother's Kitchen. Join cooking teacher, Jolynn Deloach, and see how to stretch a simple dough to make tissue-thin layers of flaky strudel. It's easier than you think and so much fun! We will be making apple filling but, there are dozens of others that you can make on your own, once you know how. All classes are hands on and all materials are provided. Tickets are $25 and are available through Eventbrite.

Published in Life

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