A Memorial Day ceremony will take place in Wellwood Park at Maple & Linden Avenue on Monday, May 27th at 10:00 a.m. There will be a wreath laying, guest speakers and refreshments. The program will be conducted by the F.W.Grigg Post 68 Deputy Commander, The American Legion, Merchantville, New Jersey. In the event of inclement weather the service will be held at the Community Center, 212 Somerset Avenue.

The paperwork and information regarding Candidates for the Merchantville School District Board of education is available to any resident who meets the qualifications to serve. The deadline for applications to be listed on the November Election ballot is Tuesday, June 4th. If interested in applying, please share complete the required  paperwork. For additional information log on to www.camdencounty.com/clerk and click on Election Division - Candidate information. BOE Candidate Application

The MPWC's Spring Flushing Program will take place Sunday, March 17th - Thursday, March 21st and then again from Sunday, March 24th - Thursday, March 28th between the hours of 7:00 PM and 11:00 PM. Hydrant flushing is an important element in the continuing program to improve the quality of water in our system.

Read more: MPWC's SPRING Flushing Program

Licenses for all dogs over 7 months must be obtained annually in the month of January.Fees: Spayed/Neutered $9.00; Unspayed/unneutered: $12.00. Late Fees: After March 31, the late fee is $10.00 in addition to the original cost. After June 30, the late fee is $15.00 in addition to the original cost. After September 30, the late fee is $20.00 in addition to the original cost.

APPLICATION DEADLINE TODAY: The Merchantville Board of Education is accepting applications from interested residents who wish to fill an unexpired term on the School Board. Applicants should: send a letter stating their desire to serve on the Board, submit a summary of their qualifications, or a resume to the school business office by Friday, April 12th.

Read more: Unexpired term open on BOE

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