APPLICATION DEADLINE TODAY: The Merchantville Board of Education is accepting applications from interested residents who wish to fill an unexpired term on the School Board. Applicants should: send a letter stating their desire to serve on the Board, submit a summary of their qualifications, or a resume to the school business office by Friday, April 12th.
The candidate appointed will serve on the Board until the School Board Election in November 2013. The appointed candidate, as well as all others interested in the position, will be eligible to run for this position. If you have questions about the application process, please contact the School Business office, 663-1091-X516.
School Board Member Qualifications: a candidate must • be able to read and write; hold citizenship and one year’s residency in the school district; have no interest in any contract with, or claim against, the Board; not hold office as mayor or member of the municipal governing body; and be registered to vote in the district and not be disqualified as a voter under N.J.S.A. 19:4-1.