At the January 8th Merchantville Board of Education Reorganization Meeting the BOE accepted the resignation of Antisha Meisner as a board member effective December 16, 2024. As a consequence, the BOE has advertised for that vacancy. A letter or email of interest to fill this position must be received by the BOE Secretary by Thursday, January 23, 2025 by 3:00 p.m. Requirements: Applicant must be able to read and write, hold U.S. citizenship, prove/document one year’s residency in the Merchantville School District,
have no interest in any contract with, or claim against, the board, not hold office as mayor or member of the municipal governing body and, be registered to vote in Merchantville and not be disqualified as a voter under N.J.S.A. 19:4-1. The Board of Education will review the letters of all interested Merchantville residents meeting the qualification for Board membership. The Merchantville Board of Education will select the person to fill any vacated seats.