The Borough of Merchantville is excited to host The 2024 Community Round Up, on Wednesday evening, March 20th, at the Community Center from 6:00-8:00 p.m. The goal of this event is to connect your organization with more members of the community. Many residents are eager to be involved but unsure of the many groups available to join and/or volunteer with. The event has a “job fair” type structure where each group has a table
to display what they wish, including sign-up sheets and information to share about it's organizations activities and mission in the community. Mayor Brennan will announce the 2023 Frank North Volunteer of the Year and, for the first time, recognize the Business Owner of The Year! This new award celebrates the efforts of a Merchantville business to build community beyond their storefront.
We will offer crafts for the kids and have refreshments for all. We hope everyone will participate in this year’s Merchantville Community Round Up and that it's successful in recruiting new members and volunteers to your organization! Please reply to Rebecca Callaway at or 856-662-2474 x 312 if your group/organization will participate. There is no charge to take part! This event is free for all.