July Diaper Drive

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This July, Merchantville businesses are coming together to support a vital cause: providing essential diapers to families in our community who need them most. The Need: Disposable diapers are a basic necessity for many families, but they can be unaffordable for those struggling to make ends meet. In fact, 1 in 3 families in the United States struggle to provide enough diapers for their children, leading to skin irritation, health issues, and even child neglect. The Solution: Our goal is to collect 1000 disposable diapers

in the month of July, which will be donated to the local organizations SNJPC, specifically to the program: Parents as Teachers program. Your contribution will help make a tangible difference in the lives of these families. How You Can Help: Drop off disposable diapers of any size and/or wipes at participating Merchantville businesses throughout the month of July. Look for the collection bins at the following locations: The Station Coffee, Rita's Real Estate, Brotherly Love Creations, Hunter Gallery, Nicole Nurthen Photography and Gynsyng.