Displaying items by tag: sunmaid house

Tuesday, 19 October 2021 17:25

Scary Sun-Maid House

According to Food & Wine Magazine, even the raisin specialists at Sun-Maid realize that — as good as their product may be the other 364 days of the year — it's the last thing most kids want to see on Halloween so, Sun-Maid has set up up a tongue-in-cheek "Raisin House" that embraces kid's fear of the shriveled grapes. Located in Merchantville, New Jersey, Sun-Maid's Raisin House currently features plenty of raisin-themed Halloween decorations visitors can view from outside. The Jersey town has an annual tradition of rebranding as "Monsterville" in honor of Halloween, which inspired Sun-Maid to take over the Perno's house at 3 East Cedar Avenue for their own house of raisin horrors. Trick-or-treaters will be able to walk up to the front door of the house and take Sun-Maid snacks from an "interactive hand sampling wall" and one part of the house "will be turned into a 'scare corridor' where zombies dressed in red bonnets will hand out samples at the end — a place for you to confess your rai-sins."



Published in Boro

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