Displaying items by tag: statistics

Wednesday, 08 April 2020 17:23

Covid-19 Bed Capacity

On April 8th, New Jersey officials announced 3,088 new positive tests, for a total of 47,437. Additionally, 231 out of 375  long-term care facilities have now reported at least one COVID-19 case. Based on information from seven labs sending the state testing data, 94,525 tests have been performed and 41,550 (44%) have come back positive. According to hospital data, there are 7,026 hospital patients that are COVID-positive or under investigation. 1,617 patients are in critical care and 1,576 (97%) of those in critical care are on ventilators. Another 275 deaths brings the statewide total to 1,504 and 48 of these new deaths are associated with long-term care facilities. NJ's hospitals had a pre-mitigation capacity of 18,000 medical/surgical beds and about 2,000 critical care beds.

Published in COVID-19

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