Displaying items by tag: social

Sunday, 15 September 2019 05:08

Town Sustainability Social

Come grab a drink with neighbors and a variety of borough green organizations that are helping to create a cleaner, greener, and more sustainable community. Groups that will be present include: Merchantville's Green Team, Merchantville's Garden Club, Incredible Edible Merchantville, Merchantville's Shade Tree Commission, Mayor and Borough Council, MES Garden Club, MES Junior Green Team. From from 6-8 p.m. members of these stakeholder groups will host a social gathering on the Community Center deck - a perfect opportunity to mingle and network with these community volunteers over drinks and light fare. At 8 p.m. Merchantville's Green Team will lead a joint stakeholder meeting to share current sustainability plans, describe future projects and solicit YOUR ideas and feedback. From recycling to roofless solar energy to pollinating plants and land stewardship - we’ll have it all at this event. So come see how YOU can help your community become a little cleaner, greener, and more sustainable! Limit: 100. Register for your free ticket here.

Published in Eco

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