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Displaying items by tag: shade tree

Sunday, 16 May 2021 15:03

Planting Paw Paws

Merchantville Organic Community Garden now has three native fruiting Paw Paw trees thanks to a generous donation from the Merchantville Observer and collaboration between Merchantville's Shade Tree Commission, Green Team and Incredible Edible. Thanks to a great group of volunteers from town: George Aaron, Lynn and Steve Geddes, Monica Tully, Anna and Joe Bouvier, Kerry and Tim Mentzer, Greg Hample, Jim Murray, Bob Murray, Dorothy, Joe and Pat Foley, Cindy Hertneck, Denise Menzel, Nina Scarpa, Alice Diamond, and Ed Bohn. IE Merchantville member, Brigid Austin, planted four immature Paw Paws three weeks ago in Wellwood Park along Hamilton Avenue. This is the group's first "understory tree" project. Paw Paws will grow from 12 to 25 feet tall and will produce fruit in 2-6 years.
Published in Stewardship
Saturday, 18 July 2020 08:26

Volunteer for Shade Tree

It's the perfect time to become a member of the Shade Tree Commission! A Street tree inventory will soon be underway by a Tree Professional (pursuant to a DEP grant) to assess tree conditions, risks, and tree/sidewalk conflicts. The tree inventory will serve as the foundation for developing a plan for future tree maintenance, planting, and removal. Great way to begin your time on the Commission! Our Shade Tree volunteers plant and maintain all curbside trees in the Borough. Other responsibilities include: removal and/or trimming of curbside and public trees, reporting tree related problems to other Borough agencies, maintaining Tree City USA status, conducting Arbor Day ceremonies, providing tips to the public on general tree maintenance, providing guidelines for dealing with tree damaged sidewalks and, managing the Affiliated memorial tree and plaque program. This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. to volunteer to help this effort today.

Published in Notices

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