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Displaying items by tag: schools

Friday, 17 July 2020 07:28

MES & SPS Plan Reopening

Merchantville School's Re-opening Committee is working to develop a plan for the 2020-2021 school year. The committee includes representatives from the administration, Board of Education, teachers, nurses, parents, police and Borough Council. A survey was sent to parents and guardians to complete for each child they have attending Merchantville School. 257 responses were received. Survey results will provide the committee with information to drive decision making about guidelines and procedures to be presented to the Board of Education at the end of July as the final re-opening plan. The Re-opening Committee is using guidance from the NJDOE's "The Road Back: Restart and Recovery Plan for Education" to ensure the best solutions for our students and staff. St. Peter School intends on opening on Tuesday, September 8th unless directed otherwise by the Diocese of Camden or the State of New Jersey. They are developing several home based solutions for those families who are either uncomfortable with their children returning to school, have children with underlying medical issues, or for other reasons will need to remain home for either the entirety of the school year or parts of the school year. Their Little Saints Preschool will open the week of September 8th, with specific dates TBD.

Published in Schools
Sunday, 15 March 2020 16:55

MES, SPS and HHH Close

On March 14th Merchantville School closed to help stem the spread of coronavirus. Monday, March 16th, will be a teacher in-service day and students will not report to the building and starting Tuesday, March 17th, through Friday, March 27th, remote learning will take place. All activities are canceled during this time period. Breakfast and lunch will be provided to Merchantville students during this closure. St. Peter School posted a message to their school community announcing a temporary closure effective March 16th. Parents can expect St. Peter's to be closed for at least 2 weeks and were directed to review a special statement by Bishop Sullivan concerning the closure of all Diocesan schools and communications sent by the principal concerning remote instruction and assessment. Haddon Heights High School alerted Merchantville parents that remote learning would be instituted from March 16th - March 27th. This schedule is subject to change and may be extended based on future consultations with the Camden County Department of Health. 

Published in Schools
Sunday, 16 February 2020 06:38

Crayola ColorCycles!

Crayola ColorCycle was launched to help kids in schools across the USA to understand the importance of their role in protecting the environment. Through this initiative, students in K-12 schools can collect and repurpose used Crayola markers. ColorCycle is also a great opportunity for teachers and their students to explore eco-friendly practices. Specially developed standards-based lesson plans are available to enrich instruction and promote lively class discussions. FedEx Ground will pick up the markers — Crayola pays all shipping charges!

Published in Eco

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