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Displaying items by tag: recycling

Tuesday, 20 April 2021 06:27

Community Recycling Day

Celebrate Earth Day by Recycling with Merchantville's Green Team on Saturday, April 24th from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. at The Station Coffee Shop on the bike path. We are accepting thin plastics, see below small electronics, sneakers, eyeglasses, corks and crayons. More about the small electronics we are accepting at Merchantville Green Team event on Saturday April 24th. This from our recycling stream partner. We accept: cell phones, smartphones, iPhones, iPods, iPads, tablets, Apple\Android watches, bluetooth, tablets. GPS, MP3 players, e-readers, digital cameras, handheld gaming systems and the accessories that come with them.We don't care if your gadgets are broken, old, locked, drowned or bedazzled. Get in/evolved!
Published in Green Team

A decade ago, most towns required residents to separate their recyclables into multiple bins. But in an effort to boost recycling participation, many municipalities switched to a single-stream system, where everything is commingled in one bin, to be sorted later at recycling facilities and the public has become lazy. In hindsight, it’s turned out to be a significant problem because many recycling cans are now contaminated. Some towns have instituted a “tag and leave” program, leaving contaminated loads at the curb and tag them with an explanation for the homeowner when they can see plastic bags or Styrofoam or something else not allowed in your recycling. Studies show that’s the only thing that changes behavior. “Over the past 10 years New Jersey has really hit a recycling crisis,” said Randall Solomon, executive director of Sustainable Jersey. “I’d say we as a state and as a country — even the world — are at a critical juncture.”

Published in New Jersey
Saturday, 27 July 2019 06:31

When in Doubt

When in doubt, THROW IT OUT. Beginning on July 26th, recycle cans in Merchantville will not be picked up if items such as, plastic bags, pizza boxes and plastics other than #1 and #2 are mixed in the can. Cans will be tagged and residents will receive a flyer on the can with the guidelines for items that can be recycled. Camden County wants to make single stream recycling easy and will only accept rinsed plastic or glass bottles, jars and jugs, rinsed aluminum and steel cans, clean paper, and clean cardboard.  If you are unsure if a piece is recyclable, just throw it out. For more information regarding the guidelines visit Camdencounty.com/recycling.

Published in Notices

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