Displaying items by tag: recycled

Sunday, 23 February 2020 06:52

Green Vendors Wanted

Join us as an earth-friendly exhibitor at Merchantville’s Earth Fair on May 9th. Applicants must support our green message. We welcome vendors with products or information about reducing our carbon footprint, sustainability, recycling or repurposing. In keeping with a strong environmental commitment, the event will be zero waste and all registrants must indicate in their application what environmental educational message or product you will be promoting at the event. Organizers reserve the right to disqualify vendor applications that do not have an environmental message to convey or product to sell. We require that all wastes (bags, to-go containers, cups, drinking straws, etc.) generated during the event must either be recyclable or compostable. Booth registration is FREE. This event is rain or shine. Register through Eventbrite.


Published in Earth Fair

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