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Friday, 18 September 2020 05:35

County Announces Voter Drop Boxes

Mayor Brennan would like resident to know that "there are plenty of options for dropping off Vote By Mail ballots. For Merchantville, each of our neighboring communities, Camden, Pennsauken and Cherry Hill have drop boxes. These are secure ways to vote by mail should you have concerns about voting through the USPS." The State of New Jersey has provided vote-by-mail (VBM) drop boxes for each county in advance of the general election on Nov. 3. Camden County will have 13 VBM drop box locations that will be available 24 hours each day through the close of polls on election day. Each location is well-lit, secured and monitored by video surveillance cameras. Camden County’s VBM drop boxes can be found at the following locations local to Merchantville: Pennsauken Municipal Building, 5605 North Crescent Blvd., Cherry Hill Municipal Building, 820 Mercer Street; Haddon Township Municipal Building, 135 Haddon Ave. and the Camden Administration Building, 600 Market Street.

Published in Camden County
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