Displaying items by tag: detox

Friday, 11 September 2020 12:32

Juice Away That Extra 15

Have you gained that "Quarantine 15"? A juice cleanse is a great opportunity to take a break from unhealthy eating habits. A juice cleanse can help to refocus your diet with a variety of fresh fruits & vegetables that aim to detox, energize, repair, & hydrate you from the inside out! A cleanse supports the body’s natural detox process, breaks the cycle of craving unhealthy foods, reduces your appetite, increases your energy, eliminates foods that cause problems for many people (dairy, wheat, gluten), helps balance the gut microbiome, and blasts your body with vitamins, minerals and phytonutrients. Please call ahead to order a juice cleanse from The Juice Bar, 22 South Centre Street.

Published in Dine

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