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Displaying items by tag: county

Wednesday, 09 September 2020 08:41

County Flu Shot Schedule

Seasonal Flu Shots will be offered to county residents by the Camden County Department of Health and Human Services who recommends everyone get a flu shot this flu season, especially children and seniors who are most vulnerable. The flu shots are provided for no-out-of-pocket cost. Flu vaccinations are provided for children age 9 and older at the flu clinic sites. Children under the age of 9 need to see their primary care physician. The schedule may be found here. For more information, contact the Camden County Department of Health and Human Services at 1-800-999-9045. Stay safe and protected this year!


Published in Camden County
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Saturday, 11 April 2020 07:48

Where We Stand 4/10/20

New Jersey health officials have been reporting statewide totals and providing a county-by-county breakdown, but some county and municipal health departments have been providing additional detail, including town-by-town case numbers. As of 4/10/20 Merchantville has 9 Covid-19 positive cases. Our adjoining towns are Cherry Hill with 181 cases and 4 deaths, Camden with 162 cases and 3 deaths and, Pennsauken with 93 cases and 1 death. Nearby are Collingswood with 17 cases, Haddon Township with 22 cases, Maple Shade with 29 cases, Cinnaminson with 23 and, Moorestown with 52 cases. 

Published in COVID-19
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Wednesday, 12 February 2020 01:34

County Keeps Growing

For several years, the county has found a 21st-century way of getting around the seasonal barrier. It prepares and provides various plants and vegetables to nonprofits and county groups through the use of a hydroponics greenhouse that needs no soil, as well as a traditional greenhouse at its Lakeland Campus - allowing for heads of lettuce to be grown in as little as one month from plant to harvest, with the fastest batch growing in just 12 days. Through the Office of Sustainability, master gardeners and staff use advanced growing techniques to provide nonprofits and other organizations such as The Cathedral Kitchen and The Philadelphia Zoo lettuce, cherry tomatoes, herbs and more items throughout the year.

Published in Eco
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Friday, 03 January 2020 18:50

Caregiver Support Group

Published in Camden County

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