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Thursday, 25 March 2021 08:29

Child Care Center Closing

The Trinity United Methodist Church Child Care Center will not be reopening, after being closed since March, 2020, due to the pandemic. This decision was reached in early March by the Trinity Leadership Team after a review of the church’s finances and the status of the Center. When the Child…
Thursday, 06 June 2019 07:25

Story Time at the Market

Join Miss Christen from the Merchantville Branch of the Camden County Library System for an all ages family friendly story time this Saturday, June 8 at 11:00 a.m. at the Merchantville Market Off Centre. We will read stories, sing songs, and shake our sillies out. After the story time, join…
Thursday, 11 April 2019 06:17

Round-up a success

Merchantville School hosted the new student Pre-K and Kindergarten Round-up on Wednesday, April 10th. It was exciting to meet our new students that will be joining us in September. Enrollees and their parents had an opportunity to meet teachers, classmates and get the lay of the land! As you can…
Saturday, 05 April 2014 13:25

Pre-K and Kindergarten Roundup

Merchantville Elementary School offers a half-day Pre-Kindergarten program 5 days a week. It is a developmentally appropriate educational program for four year old children. The curriculum is based on state guidelines that have been initiated and implemented to enhance the development of the pre-school child within a structured public school…
Sunday, 18 March 2012 01:00

MES Kindergarten & PreK registration

Registration for children entering preschool or kindergarten in the Merchantville School District will take place on Thursday, March 22nd from 1:15-2:45 p.m. Kindergarteners must be 5 years old and Preschoolers 4 years old by October 1, 2012 to register.

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