Think Small & Local

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Imagine our town without any of its small, local businesses. Coffee shops, hair and nail salons, corner stores, boutique clothing stores, consignment shops, restaurants, bars, craft shops, markets, antique and repair shops, laundromats, liquor shops, gift shops, pet stores, and more – all gone. But, you can help. When we lift up our small businesses, we lift up our community. Think and Shop Small this holiday season! Merchantville is filled with a

variety of stores and eateries offering the very best of small business in a variety of tastes, goods and experiences. With an array of restaurants boasting cuisines extending from Indian, crepes and Japanese to the eclectic offerings of fresh forage, Merchantville visitors can expect meals that intrigue the senses. Visit our Merchantville business directory here. 

Studies show that 48% of small business purchases are recirculated locally, compared to only 14% by chain stores. Every dollar you spend could help save a small business. Please shop from Merchantville's small businesses. Small businesses off better customer service and give back to our community. Many offer online and in-store options, take-out and gift cards, and most ship nationally. There’s something for everyone!