Governor Phil Murphy signed legislation (S-4265/A-5912) into law on. January 16th that will substantially boost the number of available liquor licenses statewide and ease a wide range of restrictions that have stifled breweries and distilleries, marking the first substantive overhaul of New Jersey’s antiquated liquor license laws since the aftermath of Prohibition. For breweries like, Eclipse Brewing, the new law also permanently eases the existing restrictions that have hampered
their ability to compete against burgeoning industries in neighboring states. The law eliminates the long-standing burden that required these establishments to provide tours of the premises to patrons, while also allowing them to: offer snacks and other non-alcoholic beverages; collaborate with outside vendors including food trucks; host unlimited onsite events and private parties, including birthdays, weddings, anniversaries, and civic and political functions; host up to 25 off-site special events; and participate in up to 25 events hosted by the holder of a social affairs permit. The bill also increases the number of barrels that may be manufactured per year from 10,000 to 300,000 and allows license holders to directly sell and distribute 50 percent of the beer that is produced on premises in each year to retailers, rather than having to rely solely on wholesalers.