We encourage eighth-grade students to experience a day at Camden Catholic. Schedule "The Irish Experience" by filling out a registration form. After the form is completed, you will receive a call from an admissions officer to schedule which day you would like to visit. Students should wear their school uniform if attending a Catholic school or if attending public school, boys should wear Docker-type slacks (no jeans) with a polo or button down shirt, and girls should wear a dress slack or Docker-type slack (no jeans) or modest length skirt and an appropriate top. (no tank tops or shorts) If you have any questions please call the Admissions Office at 856-663-2247 ext 136. Spaces are limited and fill quickly. Irish Experience dates are: October 29; November 7, 8, 12, 14, 19; December 3, 5, 10, 12, 17; January 7, 9, 28, 30; February 4, 11; and, March 11.
For over 125 years Camden Catholic High School has been dedicated to serving a diverse student population, and as such, provides a Catholic environment that nurtures the whole person by integrating faith and life. Consistent with our Catholic tradition, Camden Catholic High School seeks to develop leaders who are rooted in Gospel values and committed to meeting the challenges of building a just society. Since 1887 Camden Catholic High School has prepared more students for college than any other school in South Jersey. Visit www.camdencatholic.org for more information.