The earlier you purchase your event ticket, the more bonus chips you will receive. Winning chips be “cashed in" for chances on prize baskets that will be drawn at the end of the night. Additional chips and purchase chances can be purchased throughout the evening. Additionally, rounding out the Casino theme, will be a Texas Hold’em Poker Tournament. The Tournament will culminate in a final round with awards of Visa gift cards for first and second place. Each seat costs $50. There will be a limited number of seats (50) available. Paid entry into the Casino Night is a pre-requisite for admission into the Poker Tournament. Tickets will be on sale after the 5:00 p.m. Mass on Saturday and after the 9:00 and 10:30 a.m. Masses on Sunday. For additional ticket purchase and poker tournament seat reservations and information please call Bob Altenbach at 856-663-2115.