The Merchantville-Pennsauken Water Commission is interested in your concerns about the water discoloration issues brought on by the increased level of road construction taking place all across the borough. They hear you and they are taking action. On Sunday, January 18th, the MPWC engaged in an aggressive form of hydrant flushing. This process targets select valves in the street, closes them in order to increase pressure directed to hydrants that were opened to flush out any mineral deposits that have gathered in the water mains. Further targeted flushing will take place in the following weeks. If anyone has any questions, comments and/or concerns please call the MPWC at (856) 663-0044 where an operator will be available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 365 days a year, to provide you with assistance.
Welcoming in the New Year wishes everyone a Happy and Safe New Year. We are excited to offer the best community and local news coverage available to all of you! We invite you to contribute to our news coverage through our FB site. When you browse to on your computer, phone or mobile device you will join more than 7,000 unique visitors each month. Have a great year and enjoy these fun ways to ring in 2015!
School Bond passes
Voters in Merchantville approved a two-phase school proposal estimated at $2 million on a vote of 536 to 239. Phase I projects includes a 40 percent reimbursement from the state totaling $373,062. The vote showed strong support for the school and it's value to the community. Phase I projects include brick re-pointing, a new auditorium roof, security door controls and second-floor air conditioning. Phase II projects include the replacement of windows and asphalt and landscaping. Other upgrades will address electrical, bathrooms and classroom technology. The annual tax impact will be about $27 on the average home.
School Bond Referendum
In August, the Merchantville Board of Education authorized the inclusion of a bond referendum question on the November 2014 election ballot. It has been 18 years since the Board of Education asked the community to support a referendum.
2014 Holiday Events
The Borough's 2014 Holiday festivities are underway including the much anticipated evening parade. Public Events volunteers were busy Saturday trimming the boro tree, hanging seasonal street decor and readying the Santa House for the holidays. Enjoy the schedule of events and experience the difference that shopping in your own home town offers. Merchantville boasts a variety of businesses from gift, handcraft and antique shops to markets, cafes and restaurants.
The votes are in
Newly elected Borough officials by unofficial vote tally: Mayor - Edward Brennan, 642; Borough Council - Andrew McLoone, 639; Katherine Erhard Swann, 614. For School Board - Henry Kabel, 374; Karen Foster - 426, Steve Morrone - 459. School Bond Question - Yes 541, No 238. Please check for additional vote information.
SJ towns get $1M in planning grants
Camden's downtown streets could get a makeover, under a new study announced Friday by the Delaware Valley Regional Planning Commission.The grants of federal and state funds were part of the planning commission's Transportation and Community Development Initiative, which seeks to coordinate local transportation improvements with land-use planning. Merchantville received a $35,000 grant for Planning for redevelopment of Town Centre East area.