Within this budget all current programs are maintained and there are some enhancements to adhere with state mandates. 2013-2014 Budget Information Banked cap will be used in order to exceed the 2% cap plus 1.25% adjusted Health Care Cap. School Choice and Pre-School aid increases represent $278,475 which is 89% of the total state aid increase.
The Bottom Line is a Tax Levy for an average home is appraised at $185,000 annual school tax is an increase of 6.4 cents per $100 for the assessed value of the home. This equates to an annual increase of $118.40 on the average home. Causes for the changes Ratables decreased in town and had an immediate impact of a 3.9 cent increase on the tax levy Excess surplus from the previous year changed. Direct questions/concerns to Scott Strong. As like last year, there is no vote on the school budget. Election for new board members is in November. There is currentlly a BOE vacancy for an unexpired term.