It is time to enroll for your 2013 discount! Please note that even if you are currently receiving a discount, you must apply each year to continue receiving your discount. The enrollment period begins in October and continues through December. Stop by our Administrative Headquarters on Westfield Avenue in Pennsauken to pick up an application. Our Customer Support Representatives will be happy to assist you in completing your enrollment form.
Your enrollment form requires your block and lot number so please bring along a copy of your tax bill.
Senior Citizen Qualifications:
- Be 65 years of age or older
- Have an income of $10,000 or less per year (not including Social Security)
- Have a 5/8″ water meter
- Own and live in a single family dwelling
- Receive a senior citizen discount on your tax bill.
Disabled Person Qualifications:
- Have an income of less than $10,000 per year
- Have a 5/8″ water meter
- Own and live in a single family dwelling
- Receive a disabled discount on your tax bill