Because the flu season has hit hard and early, the Camden County Freeholders have scheduled an additional flu shot clinic for those residents who haven’t received them. Freeholder Carmen Rodriguez, liaison to the Camden County Health Department, announced that the clinic will be held: Tuesday, February 5th at the Homestead Community Center, 4771 Willow Avenue, Pennsauken, from 3:30 p.m. to 6:30 p.m.
Those aged 9 and older must be accompanied by an adult; those under the age of nine are not included in the program. Children under 9 need two shots, a month apart, and should be seen by a pediatrician. For uninsured children, call CamCare at 856- 541-9811 or the Bellmawr Health Center at 856- 931-2700. For other information, contact the county Department of Health and Human Services at 1-800-999-9045, or visit