Official results for Merchantville's Primary Election 2021 were certified on June 24th. Initial Vote by Mail and voting machine ballots were counted on June 8, 2021, shortly after close of polls. Subsequent Vote by Mail Ballots (postmarked timely on or before Election Day are counted daily through June 14th, provisional ballot beginning on or about June 15th. These unofficial results last updated on June 18, 2021 at 2:30 p.m. may be checked daily and currently show the following: Merchantville Borough Council (Democrat) Cindy Morales-Butts (416) and Daniel Sperrazza (404) Write-In (10). Merchantville Borough Council (Republican) No petition filed. Merchantville County Committee Man (Democrat) Joseph Bouvier (247), Louis Fiume (235), Chester Hicks (233) and Daniel Sperrazza (229). Merchantville County Committee Woman (Democrat) Angela Waldron (259), Maria Nina Scarpa (245), Maureen Higgins (231) and Danette Strader (231). No Republican county committee petitions filed.
Public Notice: Shade Tree Meetings
The Merchantville Shade Tree Commission unanimously passed a motion at their May 12, 2021 meeting to begin holding in person meetings starting June 9th, 2021, at 7:00 p.m. Meetings henceforth will be held at the Merchantville bike path, behind the gazebo at Centre Street and Chestnut Avenue. The meetings will continue at this time and location every second Wednesday of the month through the summer. At the October meeting, a motion will be made to relocate for the winter months. Notice of which will be provided. Summer/Fall meetings are scheduled for: June 9th, July 14th, August 11th, September 8th and October 13th. The Commission provides a form online for borough property owner tree work requests.
Centre St. Construction
The Borough notified residents about construction improvements on Centre Street, between Cove Road and Locust Street, scheduled to begin on May 10, 2021 in Pennsauken Township. Prior to this residents can expect Centre Street between Cedar Avenue and Rogers Avenue to be shut down so that PSE&G can address gas leaks in the area, scheduled between May 3rd and May 8th. As this project progresses south on Centre Street into Merchantville the contractor will provide advance notice to the business district and residents so that they may prepare accordingly. At this time we do not have a date certain that construction will begin in Merchantville and further information will be released as it is received. Once construction begins in Merchantville, all detours will be clearly marked with reflective signage and the Borough will be providing parking alternatives during to accommodate businesses, residents and visitors alike. Finally, the construction will not negatively impact Merchantville School drop off or pick up. That area of Centre Street is scheduled to be worked on during the summer months while school is out of session. Periodic updates will be posted advising of any changes in the traffic control plan and detour information will be posted on the front page of the Borough's website, The estimated construction duration is 250 calendar days from beginning to end.
Caucus Meeting 3/22/21
The scheduled 4th Monday of the month Borough Council Caucus meeting will be held on Monday, March 22, 2021, at 7:30pm. The Agenda includes approval of the e Employee Handbook and Manual and an ordinance to amend 83A on Tobacco Products. Please join the meeting via Zoom at: Meeting ID: 882 8992 9355 Passcode: 070207. Municipal Codes are available online here.
Coffee With A Cop
The Merchantville Police Department and The Station Coffee will be hosting a "Coffee With A Cop" event on Saturday, May 22nd from 9:00-11:00 a.m. and invite you to stop in and say hello. The mission of Coffee with a Cop is to break down the barriers between police officers and the citizens they serve by taking time to meet at neutral locations, sit down with officers and ask questions or share what’s on their mind. It provides the opportunity for citizens and police officers get to know each other, have real conversations about issues that matter and discover mutual goals for the communities they live in and serve.
Bunny Tour & Egg Hunt
The Borough of Merchantville will be holding two family events - an Easter Bunny Drive-by and and Egg Hunt - to celebrate the Easter holiday this weekend! The drive-by tour will take place this Friday, March 26th, beginning at 5:00 p.m. and will begin on the east side of town and travel towards the west side. The downtown Easter Egg Hunt will take place along Rails-to-Trails path on Saturday morning, March 27th. This is a day-long activity without a central meeting point. Eggs will be scattered on the path and along the downtown business district where children can hunt and collect. Residents are encouraged to post and share their Egg Hunt photos on the Borough or Public Events Facebook pages while participating. Thank you to the town and our community volunteers for providing some fun holiday activities!